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Heng Hui Technology sources all of its electronic components from the highest quality vendors and global distributors . We have long term cooperation with some of the biggest component distributors in china . So that we can get parts with superior quality and competitive price .


We are experts in procuring components and take into account every aspect of the components while doing so. Every part used and sold is 100% new, guaranteed. No substitutes are ever used without your approval of every parts and every parameters .


With the advantages of the complete industry chain in Shenzhen, we not only can purchase electronics components for you, but also can buy plastic & metal enclosures, accessories, cables, even some ESD products and small equipment . All of our prices are extremely competitive and all of our products are of the highest quality.


Ensuring the quality of incoming raw materials is a critical first step in our industrial process. All of the components we purchase will be checked to makes sure the quality is as good as promised . Before this process we ask tracing the source of the materials to avoid any disadvantages in advance .